Thursday, October 06, 2005

Excellent Online Resource

I have, on numerous previous occasions, written about the cost of accessing commercial information, particularly in specialist fields.

The ease with which the web enables the distribution of information, and the cost savings that it offers over traditional printed publications, does not seem to have filtered down to the user.

Many of the online resources are as expensive as the magazines and newspapers that they potentially replace. The best providers offer a free to view service, with the option for added benefit by subscribing.

It would be disingenuous to complain too loudly about the adverts that accompany such online publications, but they can at times become very intrusive, particularly when “pop-up” boxes explode all over the screen like a fourth of July firework display.

I was delighted to find a site linked through an item in the newsnow steel news-feed that is the online version of a Supply Management publication.

With articles on Information technology, manufacturing, and risk management in procurement amongst many others, it’s a gem of a find and well worth checking out.

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